5 Game-Winning Tips to Tackle Your Writing Goals

I come from a family of football-loving super fans. My daughter learned the word "touchdown" when she was three. When our team scored, she'd throw her tiny arms in the air and run in circles, shouting, "Touchdown, touchdown!" 


There's no denying the hype and excitement surrounding Super Bowl matchups. When I attended the Super Bowl in 2022, it was one of the most exhilarating moments in my life. A dream come true.


So why am I telling you all this? Because it got me thinking...


When it comes to your writing goals...


...Are you scoring touchdowns? Or are you sitting on the sidelines? 


Here are five game-changing tips to help you stay focused and motivated:


  • Be your own head coach. Master your writing playbook. Set specific goals, create deadlines, and tackle them head-on. Break down your writing tasks into smaller, manageable goals. An excellent way to win the writing game is to cut your goal in half or double your timeline. 


  • Create a solid game plan: Develop a writing schedule or routine that works for you. Whether blocking off certain times of the day, setting deadlines, or deciding on your word count, having a plan in place will help keep you on track and create "joyful momentum (my two words for this year)."


  • Find your teammates: Get a writing accountability buddy or join an online writing group to share victories, provide motivation, and overcome challenges together.


  • Take "halftime breaks" for reflection: Just as football players have their halftime strategies, take regular breaks during your writing sessions. Stretch, grab a snack, or do your best touchdown dance – whatever gets those creative juices flowing again. This will give you the energy to crush the second half!


  • Keep your head in the game. Remember, even the best quarterbacks fumble sometimes, but they keep playing. The same goes for successful writers after having a bad writing day. They don't ask themselves, "Is this worth it?" "Will anyone even care?" They just keep going. It's essential to embrace the occasional writer's block or minor setback as part of the game. Take a deep breath, regroup, and come back stronger.


  • Create a solid game plan: Develop a writing schedule or routine that works for you. Whether blocking off certain times of the day, setting deadlines, or deciding on your word count, having a plan in place will help keep you on track and create "joyful momentum (my two words for this year)."

Most importantly, don't give up. Have patience. Keep calm and get your game face on. 


Jon Acuff says:


"You shouldn't be able to accomplish tomorrow's goal with today's skills."


Whether you’re writing a book, blog, or any piece of content, goal should challenge you to learn, grow, and stretch outside your comfort zone.


Like in sports, the more you do it, the better you get at it. Build that writing muscle. You can achieve any goal if you're in it to win it.


Now, tell me, what's your favorite football team? And how do you stay productive as a writer? Comment below and let me know. Game on. 


Super Bowl memory, 2022


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