My Story

When people ask me what I do, I say,
“I help writers, coaches, podcasters, and entrepreneurs to write their story and ignite their success.” 

But what I also want to say is…

There’s no better time to be a writer. 

Audiences are consuming content like crazy. The media is hungry for new material. The book biz is still thriving, bringing in billions of dollars each year. And writers have a direct connection to their ideal readers, every day.  

I believe if you're dreaming of writing a book, starting a blog, podcast, or any creative project, then you are meant to do it. 

If you believe it, you can achieve it.


Here’s what a book can do for you…

  • Gain instant credibility (which boosts your career).
  • Attract loyal fans and rapidly grow your email list.
  • Open doors to be featured in magazines and online publications.
  • Create opportunities to guest on radio and tv shows. 
  • Get booked as a speaker (event coordinators LOVE book writers!)
  • Give you the framework for a highly profitable course.
  • Get optioned for a movie (Wild. Twilight. 50 Shades of Grey.) or television series (Shrill. Game of Thrones. Big Little Lies.). 
  • Allow you to inspire, entertain, or educate people all over the world.


A book (fiction or nonfiction) can help you go from unknown writer to well-known author and expert.

 How do I know? Because everything I just mentioned happened to me. 

After my book was published, my life completely changed… 

He Did You a Favor was featured in major online magazines including Shape Magazine ("10 Books to Add to Your Winter Reading List") and She Knows (“7 Books to Read on Valentine’s Night”). I had a successful book blog tour and won 3 notable book awards. I sold and signed books at the New York Book Expo of America, LA Festival of Books, The LA Women’s Expo, and The Women’s Journey Conference. I was a relationship blogger for The Huffington Post and Digital Romance. I spoke at events and guested on 25+ radio stations and podcasts. The movie deal? I'm working on it. :)

I tell you all this because YOU CAN DO THIS TOO. 


What I am for you….

I’ve been coaching writers for over a decade. I’ve worked with novice and professional writers.

I’m a story junkie and a wordsmith whiz girl. I’ve helped writers and entrepreneurs craft bestselling book titles, clickable headlines, and “must read” chapter titles. 

I have 25+ years in screenwriting, script development, and story pitching. I started out at a film production company as a “D-Girl” (Script Development), and then moved on to being a script reader for Showtime Networks (and numerous independent film companies). My passion turned into helping writers write screenplays that sell, and so I launched my own script consulting service called, Your Best Writing Now. My clients have won major film competitions and have sold to TV and Film companies including: Warner Brothers, Disney, ABC, DreamWorks, Fox, and FX. 

I serve on the Creative Advisory Board at West LA College, helping to nurture the next generation of creatives. Writing and storytelling is my passion. Helping you to achieve your writing goals is my mission. 

I know how to craft a compelling, eye-catching pitch like a blockbuster “Avengers” movie trailer. 

I’ve been a writer for over a decade. I know the struggles writers face and have had intimate relationship with “writers block.” I can help you get unstuck and give you the clarity you need to put your ideas into action. 

I can help you create a binge-worthy content like a must-see TV series. 

I’ve learned the top book marketing techniques and know what works and what doesn’t (so you don’t make the same mistakes I did).

I can help you build your book biz along with your book (SO important).


That’s the profesh side of life.

Curious to know more?

Here are few more facts about me…

  • I built a successful voiceover career in 25+ film and television shows including: Disney’s Lilo & StitchLeroy & Stitch, and the Walt Disney World ride "Stitch's Great Escape." I've voiced strong, powerful women in Giant Robo, Street Fighter II and Xena: Warrior Princess. Through my life experience, I discovered my own inner warrior and found that the strong heroines I’d been voicing were also within me. I’m now a warrior for others. I’ve become a catalyst for change in people’s lives, both as a writer and as a coach.


  • A devastating breakup became a five-year-journey of healing and self-discovery. My writing saved me. My journals were my daily life coach and became the inspiration for my breakup book: He Did You a Favor, which won The Independent Publisher Book Award, The Next Generation Indie Award and The Indie Reader Discovery Award. 


  • As a screenwriting/story geek, I've written six screenplays and have personally studied with Blake Snyder (we'd brainstorm screenplay ideas in a West LA hotel lobby), John Truby, Michael Hauge, and Robert McKee. My big "pinch me" moment was having dinner (and a breakfast pitch session) with the legendary William Goldman (The Princess Bride. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.) at his favorite Italian restaurant on the upper East side --  a movie magic moment I'll never forget. 


  • When I'm not writing or coaching my amazing clients, you can find me sweating it out to Queen B's "Run the World (Girls)" in my garage gym, hosting virtual happy hours with friends, or curled up on the couch with my family (and sweet Sheltie), binging on movies and popcorn (#myhappy place). And you'll always catch me reading before bed. :)



  • I’m living proof that it’s never too late to make your dreams come true. Whether you’re a writer, coach, speaker, artist, photographer, or product-maker, there’s no time limit on achieving your dreams. 


You just have to begin.

Begin HERE


What People are saying about Debra...

When I had my book proposal to write, Debra Rogers was my first stop. She could see beneath all the words I’d vomited onto the page to the true essence of what I wanted to say (and SELL!). Using her brilliant and unique wordsmith abilities, she meticulously re-crafted my message into something I cannot wait to put out into the world. Not only did she give my overview a completely brilliant overhaul, she helped rename my chapters so they popped off the page with humor and depth.

 Debra’s gift at naming things is unparalleled. Whether it’s your chapter titles, your course, or your subject lines, Debra is able to put words together in a way that will at once blow your mind, and also have you say, “OMG, of course!”

 If you want to get your words and ideas out into the world, hire Debra! She’s THE Fairy Godmother of Words!

My book, a collection of essays and narratives on bravery, trust, and faith was just a dream held close to my heart to be born until I found Debra Rogers to help me give birth to it.

 She gave me a clear roadmap and helped me through every step, from writing to publishing. Debra offered so many ideas and insights. I came away with an inspirational book that has become an Amazon Bestseller!

 Debra is a wordsmith genius and an author’s best mentor and midwife to help them give birth to their writing dreams.

My blog was a personal dream that I thought would be fun to accomplish. Debra helped me immensely once I realized that this blog meant so much more to me than just “for fun.” It was time to take it to the next level and I was at a complete loss. She gave me a clear, concise roadmap to exactly what I needed to do.

 Debra gave me many great ideas and opened my eyes to a whole new world that I had no idea was doable. I came away with an increased knowledge on how to brainstorm blog titles, write my about page, and how to begin, create, and maintain a blog.

On a personal note, I was going through the hardest part of my divorce when I went through this coaching session with Debra and not only was she imformative, but she was very compassionate, helpful, and respective of my feelings while keeping me on track.

Debra is a writer’s best kept secret to helping you do things you never thought were possible!

Debra is such an extraordinary script reader and writer’s coach, because she is such a great writer herself. She understands story and writing from the inside out. She has a sharp, incisive eye, and a gift for understanding character and theme, as well as a deep, natural sense of story. Her notes and feedback have been incredibly valuable to me, and really helped elevate my writing.

Self-published authors don’t often have the benefit of an in-house content editor. Having a resource like Debra Rogers on your writing journey is a game-changer.

Debra was the highlight of my writer’s retreat. She not only motivated all of us with inspiring stories, she also gave very practical information with which to kick-start our future successes. I cannot say enough positive things about Deb’s warmth,  energy, approachability, and her intelligence. I hope to invite her back for every retreat!

She's a total book guru and my source for everything publishing. 

Debra has a gift for getting to the essence of any problem I seem to be struggling with and is excellent at providing solutions that allow me to break through my inner dialog of self-defeating thoughts and to really live the life I dream. She gives practical advice, and inspiration at the same time, that has given me the confidence to be an autonomous writer and blogger.”

After coaching with Debra, I’ve also walked away with a clearer mindset of what I need to get done to accomplish my greatest goals!

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"5 Secrets to Writing a Bestselling Book"

Get the inside scoop with this awesome guide on how authors write bestselling books and how you can too!


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