Write your story.
Ignite your success.

The Bestseller Book Course

With Debra Jean Rogers

What if the next book everyone
was buying, reading, and talking about was yours?

You have a story worth telling.
Let me help you write a book worth selling.

The best part?

You can write, publish, and make money from your book

in your comfy sweats on your cozy couch.

Register for the waitlist today and receive instant access to the Book Proposal Blueprint & Video straight from the course!

Jump on the Waitlist Now

This course is for you if…

  • You've put your book on hold for far too long. You're ready to get it done. 
  • You have a great idea, but no clue where to start.
  • You’ve got lots of ideas, but are stuck on which one to write.
  • You’ve written pages, but don’t know how to shape them into an engaging book.
  • You have a podcast, course, or blog that you want to turn into a book. 
  • You want to write a book that’ll be read by more than just friends and family.
Join the Waitlist TODAY

First, let me ask you something.

What if, in the next 6 weeks, you had:

Your book proposal done.

 Your publishing plan in place.

A solid marketing blueprint you can use to help create buzz for your book right now.

A list of ways to make money with your book…for years.

So, what are your options?

You can…

Spend months sitting on your amazing book idea feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Moving ever so slowly towards the finish line while you pile up pages and post-it notes.

Do more research and waste more time not getting your book done.


STOP hiding in your writing cave and get your words out into the world!

Jump on the Waitlist Now

Join The Bestseller Book Course

Covering the goods like:

Creating your best book that’ll attract your dream readers.

How to gain fans before your book is finished.

Crafting book copy that sizzles and sells.

Magazines, podcasts, and TV shows, oh my! Yes, you can do it all.

How to create money-making opportunities with your book.

+ And then some!

Here’s what we cover…

Module 1


Do you want to write a book that draws in readers, every day? In this module we’ll explore what makes a bestseller. When you start with a solid vision for your book, you’ll already be ahead of the game. You’ll get clear on your topic and learn how to position it in the marketplace so it stands out.

In this module you’ll get:

• How to nail your blockbuster idea. Why you’re the best person to write it and who will buy it.
• How to differentiate your book from similar ones in the marketplace.
• The Book Proposal Blueprint. Whether you traditionally publish or self-publish, this is your essential road map to bestselling success.

Module 2


In this module, we’ll dive into the overview for your book. It’s like creating a blockbuster teaser trailer (grab some popcorn, ‘cause we’re gonna create some book movie magic). You’ll also learn how to craft a hot title, tagline, and hook for your book.

In this module you’ll get:

• How to create a sizzling synopsis that highlights the best parts of your book, evokes curiosity, and captures the attention of the reader.
• How to create a smash hit title and tagline.
• How to craft a hook that magnifies your message and improves your book’s chance of getting discovered.

Module 3


Creating a solid story map before you start sets you up for writing success, every awesome step of the way. With this story plan, you’ll never be caught in the “messy middle” or be confused about what to do next.

In this module you’ll get:

• How to create an effective Story Map for your book.
• How to craft powerful chapter titles that sizzle and sound like you.
• How to organize your ideas into your best possible book. You’ll create a solid story framework so you’ll never feel lost or stuck.

Module 4


This module will help you to craft amazing, memorable chapters. You’ll learn the top mistakes writers make along with easy fixes that’ll make your writing ten times better.

In this module you’ll get:

• A simple formula to help you write compelling chapters.
• How to write more in less time. Simple strategies will boost your motivation, momentum, and maximize your time so you can get your book DONE.
• How to edit your chapters like a pro.

Module 5


Publishers, agents, and bestselling authors know that a dynamic platform is vital to a book’s success. And creating a powerhouse marketing plan will help boost your book’s exposure, gain fans, and sell more books. This module will give you lots of great promo possibilities to get your creative brain bursting with ideas (it’s time to dream big, my friend)!

In this module you’ll get:

• Your author brand essentials.
• How to create a killer book bonus that builds a booming email list.
• How to write your author power bio + your cocktail party pitch.

+ The Book Marketing Plan Template.

Module 6


In this module, you’ll learn how to choose the best publishing option for your book. We’ll cover traditional publishing vs self-publishing (the good, the bad, and the money), so you can make the best choice for you and your career goals.
In this module you’ll get:

Now that you’ve completed your book proposal, I’ll give you the goods on what to expect and accept when it comes to shopping for an agent/publisher.

You’ll learn how to:
o Format your non-fiction book proposal.
o Write a query that gets noticed (+ the query letter template).
o Land the right agent/publisher for you and your book.

You don’t necessarily have to be a big publisher or a publicity maven to publish and promote a book. I’ll give you a doable plan, along with effective publishing and marketing strategies.

o We’ll cover the essentials from cover design to finding the right editor.
o You’ll learn how and when to publish your book to get the best results.
o You'll get the top self-publishing tips for today's market. 

Register NOW!

By the end of 6 weeks you’ll have everything you need to write, publish, and promote your best book 
(and cash-in on your passion).


YOU…typing THE END on your book.

You stand up from your chair with a feeling of accomplishment you’ve never felt before. 

And then…
You pop a bottle of bubbles and throw yourself a dance party in your living room.

You land a dream book deal, win several book awards, and/or your self-published book becomes an Amazon bestseller.

Readers from all over the world say, “Thank you for writing this book!”

Now, are you ready to get your book out of your head and onto the page?

The world needs your words now more than ever.


Award-winning author, Hollywood story consultant, and kickass writer’s coach for writers, coaches, speakers, and creative entrepreneurs who want to tell and sell their stories.

I have over 20+ years in helping film, television, and book writers to create compelling stories and cash-in on their passion. I’ve been featured in places like: Shape Magazine, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, Publishers Weekly, and She Knows. I’ve worked for Showtime Networks, Paramount Pictures, and Walt Disney Animation.

My clients have called me: “A writer’s best kept secret” and “the Fairy Godmother of words.” Story is my jam. With me, you get a real writer who gets writers. My mission is to help you get your story out of your head and onto the page, so you can share it with the world.

My book, a collection of essays and narratives on bravery, trust, and faith was just a dream held close to my heart to be born until I found Debra to help me give birth to it.

She gave me a clear roadmap and helped me through every step, from writing to publishing. Debra offered so many ideas and insights and I came away with an inspirational book that has become an Amazon Bestseller!

Debra is a wordsmith genius and an author’s best mentor and midwife to help them give birth to their writing dreams." 

Tanya Destang-Beaubrun
Health Coach, Speaker, & Author, “Of Bubbles, Buddha and Butterflies”

When I had my book proposal to write, Debra Rogers was my first stop. She could see beneath all the words I’d vomited onto the page to the true essence of what I wanted to say (and SELL!). Using her brilliant and unique wordsmith abilities, she meticulously re-crafted my message into something I cannot wait to put out into the world. Not only did she give my overview a completely brilliant overhaul, she helped rename my chapters so they popped off the page with humor and depth.

Debra’s gift at naming things is unparalleled. Whether it’s your chapter titles, your course, or your subject lines, Debra is able to put words together in a way that will at once blow your mind, and also have you say, “OMG, of course!”

If you want to get your words and ideas out into the world, work with Debra! She’s THE Fairy Godmother of Words!"

Kate Anthony
Life Coach, Author, Host, “The Divorce Survival Guide” Podcast

Debra not only motivated our writer’s group with inspiring stories, she also gave very practical information with which to kick-start our future successes. I cannot say enough positive things about Debra’s warmth, her energy, her approachability, and her intelligence.

She’s a total book guru and my source for everything publishing." 

Kathy Boutry
Screenwriter, Creativity Instructor, Author, "The West Guide to Writing"

My book, a collection of essays and narratives on bravery, trust, and faith was just a dream held close to my heart to be born until I found Debra to help me give birth to it.

She gave me a clear roadmap and helped me through every step, from writing to publishing. Debra offered so many ideas and insights and I came away with an inspirational book that has become an Amazon Bestseller!

Debra is a wordsmith genius and an author’s best mentor and midwife to help them give birth to their writing dreams." 

Tanya Destang-Beaubrun
Bestselling Author, “Of Bubbles, Buddha and Butterflies”

When I had my book proposal to write, Debra Rogers was my first stop. She could see beneath all the words I’d vomited onto the page to the true essence of what I wanted to say (and SELL!). Using her brilliant and unique wordsmith abilities, she meticulously re-crafted my message into something I cannot wait to put out into the world. Not only did she give my overview a completely brilliant overhaul, she helped rename my chapters so they popped off the page with humor and depth.

Debra’s gift at naming things is unparalleled. Whether it’s your chapter titles, your course, or your subject lines, Debra is able to put words together in a way that will at once blow your mind, and also have you say, “OMG, of course!”

If you want to get your words and ideas out into the world, hire Debra! She’s THE Fairy Godmother of Words!" 

Kate Anthony
Life Coach, Blogger, host, “The Divorce Survival Guide” Podcast

Debra not only motivated our writer’s group with inspiring stories, she also gave very practical information with which to kick-start our future successes. I cannot say enough positive things about Deb’s warmth, her energy, her approachability, and her intelligence.

She’s a total book guru and my source for everything publishing." 

Kathy Boutry
Screenwriter, Creativity Instructor, Author, "The West Guide to Writing"

The Bestseller Book Course

You have a story worth telling.
Let me help you write a book worth selling.

Register for the waitlist today and receive instant access to the Book Proposal Blueprint & Video straight from the course!

Register for the Waitlist NOW!


Debra gave me a clear, concise roadmap to exactly what I needed to do. She gave me many great ideas and opened my eyes to a whole new world that I had no idea was doable.

Debra is a writer’s best kept secret to helping you do things you never thought were possible!" 

Carolyn Estelle
Blogger, “Life, Love, and Mudpies”

Self-published authors don’t often have the benefit of an in-house content editor. Having a resource like Debra Rogers on your writing journey is a game-changer.

Kristin Giese
Talent Manager, Brand Developer, Executive Producer, & Bestselling Author, “Unverified” (Novel)

The Bestseller Book Course

You have a story worth telling.
Let me help you write a book worth selling.

Register for the waitlist today and receive instant access to the Book Proposal Blueprint & Video straight from the course!

Register for the Waitlist NOW!